Sustainability at Ravnedalen Live
Sustainability + Ravnedalen Live = true.
Ravnedalen Live har a goal to become a leading contractor within culture and sustainable development.
That means that we work hard to give our audiences as much of a sustainable and enviroment friendly festival experience as possible. It's not easy, and usually not cheap, but years of experience has shown that well thought out, sustaiable solutions often bring a lot of good with it.
For example, the festival audience gets good, local and healthy food – served in edible bowls. Good, local food leads to a happy earth, as well as a happy stomach. Happy stomachs leads to happy people, happy people leads to a good festival and a good festival leads to happy managers and a happy valley.
First in Norway
And it's not just the food that lays a good and sustainable foundation. We try to reduce the amount of garbage and waste after days of festival. In 2023 we were actually the first festival in Norway that measured our consumption with a material flow analasys (we apologize for the complex expression):
It showed that only 0,6 percent of what we used to build the festival was pure consumption – things we had to throw away later. The rest is only things we could use again – something we of course also do. We rent furniture for our backstage, reuse decor and materials, and have different bottle deposit solutions. You can actually deposit your napkinat Ravnedalen Live!
You can read more about the analasys here. Or download the whole thing by pressing the button further down the side.
We have come a long way, but there is still much to do. We can always do better. Still, we can praise ourselves a litte, or let the world star Sigrid do it for us 😉
The purpose of our sustainable approach is to create profitable solutions to this indusrty's many sustainability problems by gathering actors and suppliers from the entire value chain for dialouge.
Ravnedalen Live are good examples of such solutions. We use culture to show how everyone can, by changing everyday routines-make a difference that can help save our beautiful planet.
Want to join the team? Or work with us? Contact us.
Here we have collected articles and reports about the sustainability work of Ravnedalen Live. Enjoy yourself - and we look forward to seeing you at this year's festival!
Sustainability at Ravnedalen Live – website.
Fædrelandsvennen has checked how much residual waste is left at Ravnedalen Live, Sommerbris and Palmesus. Spoiler: We are the best in the class - by a lot. While each participant left 57 grams of residual waste at Ravnedalen Live last year, the number at Palmesus was 1265 grams.
NRK: Here we are getting praise from Sigrid for our investments in sustainability.
NRK has familiarized itself with our material flow analysis!
Fædrelandsvennen joined festival manager Thorsen on a visit to Tangen Videregående Skole. We are working with the good team at the Restaurant and food course this year. We will be preparing, among other things, baby goat meat during this year's festival. A raw material that would otherwise end up in the bin or become animal feed.
NRK also joined – and made this very nice picture case.
This is part of what we do to create a sustainable festival
There are strict requirements for which goods are to be bought in, what kind of packaging can be used and we encourage the lowest possible use of resources from our suppliers.
We are concerned with local value creation and carry out a circular food project in collaboration with Hege Vevle and Helge Pettersen, Mykland Gård.
We work hard to reduce the amount of trash, as well as reuse and sort all waste.
We have no diesel generators and manage with full electrification (Tratec) throughout the festival.
In Ravnedalen Live, in collaboration with other actors, we have started various sustainable projects. Among other things, a circular decor project at the festival, in collaboration with Veronica Rath, Mike Troxel and Irene Bakkevold, among others. This involves creating art and decorations from garbage and reused materials.
In addition, we have great grandmothers backstage (Kari Elise Log and Liv Usken) who ensure that there is zero food waste backstage.
• Plastic glass-fee
• Crew with their own, reusable water bottles
• Strict requirements for our suppliers
• Circular food project with locally produced ingredients, made from scratch
• Encourage to drink from cans and bottles
• Team that finely sorted the waste
• We loaned and rented a lot equipment
• Coordinated purchases
• Electrified 95% of own operations
• Organized cleaning action in the neighborhood (Grim, Ravnedalen, Baneheia)
• National/international research project on sustainable experiences
• Increased number of paid employees at the festival
• Wrote sustainability strategy
• Was certified as an Eco-Lighthouse
• Almost all infrastructure was reuse
• Decor was almost entirely based on reuse and is safely placed in storage, so it can be used again this year
• Made green sponsorship deals